Curriculares VeBID Manual 23 Lehr Lernziele Der TN kennt die Wirksamkeitsparameter für das gerä tegestützte Training und spricht individuelle Empfehlun gen für den gezielten Einsatz erweiterter Therapieopti onen aus Er setzt seine spezifischen manuellen Fertigkeiten im Rahmen der gerätegestützten Therapie und im kontext bezogenem Training ein 3 2 8 Hilfsmittel optional Schuhversorgung Orthesen Gehhilfen Lehr Lernziele Der TN kennt wesentliche Entscheidungsmerkmale zur Auswahl eines geeigneten Hilfsmittels 3 2 9 Ergebnismessungen Fortbewegung Functional Ambulation Catagory FAC Gehgeschwindigkeitsteste Gehtests mit Zeitnahme Functional Gait Assessment FGA Timed Up and Go TUG Lehr Lernziele Der TN wählt klinische Assessments gezielt und indivi dualisiert aus und setzt sie ein Er kennt eine Auswahl relevanter aktueller Testverfah ren für die untere Extremität Er ist in der Lage relevante Tests für die untere Extremi tät nach exemplarischen Vorgaben selbständig auszu wählen durchzuführen und die Ergebnisse zu interpre tieren Clinical Reasoning und Ergebnismessung Literatur Awad LN Lewek MD Kesar TM Franz JR Bowden MG These legs were made for propulsion advancing the diagnosis and treatment of post stroke propulsion deficits Journal of neuroen gineering and rehabilitation 2020 17 1 139 Benito García M Atín Arratibel MÁ Terradillos Azpiroz ME The Bobath Concept in Walking Activity in Chronic Stroke Mea sured Through the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health Physiother Res Int 2015 20 4 242 250 Brock K Haase G Rothacher G Cotton S Does physiotherapy based on the Bobath concept in conjunction with a task practi ce achieve greater improvement in walking ability in people with stroke compared to physiotherapy focused on structured task practice alone a pilot randomized controlled trial Clin Rehabil 2011 25 10 903 912 Dorsch S Ada L Canning CG Lower Limb Strength Is Signi ficantly Impaired in All Muscle Groups in Ambulatory People With Chronic Stroke A Cross Sectional Study Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2016 97 4 522 527 Eich HJ Mach H Werner C Hesse S Aerobic treadmill plus Bobath walking training improves walking in subacute stroke a randomized controlled trial Clin Rehabil 2004 18 640 651 Gizzi L Nielsen JF Felici F Ivanenko YP Farina D Impulses of ac tivation but not motor modules are preserved in the locomotion of subacute stroke patients J Neurophysiol 2011 106 1 202 210 Grillner S El Manira A Current Principles of Motor Control with Special Reference to Vertebrate Locomotion Physiological reviews 2020 100 1 271 320 Hutin E Pradon D Barbier F Bussel B Gracies JM Roche N Walking velocity and lower limb coordination in hemiparesis Gait Posture 2012 36 2 205 211 Klarner T 2018 Sherlock Holmes and the curious case of the human locomotor central pattern generator Neurophysiol 1 120 1 53 77 Krukowska J Bugajski M Sienkiewicz M et al The influence of NDT Boabth and PNF methods on the field support and total path length measure foot pressure COP in patients after stroke Neurol Neurochir Pol 2016 50 6 449 454 Lacquaniti F Ivanenko YP Zago M Patterned control of human locomotion J Physiol 2012 15 590 10 2189 2199 Maguire C Sieben J de Bie R 2017 The influence of walking aids on the plasticity of spinal interneuronal networks central pattern generators and the recovery of gait post stroke A litera ture review and scholarly discussion Journal of Bodywork and movement therapies 21 422 434 Mansfield A Inness EL Komar J Biasin L Brunton K Lakhani B McIlroy WE Training rapid stepping responses in an individual with stroke Phys Ther 2011 91 6 958 969 McKeon PO Hertel J Bramble D Davis I The foot core system a new paradigm for understanding intrinsic foot muscle function Br J Sports Med 2015 49 5 290 Meyns P Bruijn SM Duysens J The how and why of arm swing during human walking Gait Posture 2013 38 4 555 562 Michaelsen SM Ovando AC Bortolotti A Bandini B Strength deficit of knee flexors is dependent on hip position in adults with chronic hemiparesis Braz J Phys Ther 2013 17 1 86 91 Mille ML et al Postural dependence of human locomotion du ring gait initiation J Neurophysiol 2012 112 3095 3103 Roelker SA Bowden MG Kautz SA Neptune RR Paretic propulsion as a measure of walking performance and func tional motor recovery post stroke A review Gait posture 2019 68 6 14 Rose DK DeMark L Fox EJ Clark DJ Wludyka P A Backward Walking Training Program to Improve Balance and Mobility in Acute Stroke A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of neurologic physical therapy JNPT 2018 42 1 12 21 Rossignol S Dubuc R Gossard JP Dynamic Sensorimotor Inter actions in Locomotion Physiol Rev 2006 86 89 154 Seamon BA Neptune RR Kautz SA Using a Module Based Analysis Framework for Investigating Muscle Coordina tion during Walking in Individuals Poststroke A Literature Review and Synthesis Applied bionics and biomechanics 2018 2018 3795754 Takakusaki K Neurophysiology of Gait From the Spinal Cord to the Frontal Lobe Mov Disord 2013 15 28 11 1483 1489 Takakusaki K 2017 Functional Neuroanatomy for Posture and Gait Control J Mov Disord 2017 Jan 10 1 1 17 Viseux F 2020 The sensory role of the sole of the foot Re view and update on clinical perspectives Neurophysiol Clin 50 1 55 68 doi 10 1016 j neucli 2019 12 003 29

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