Curriculares VeBID Manual34 3 1 3 Basic Course Core Curriculum August 2021 2 o Neuromuscular plasticity o Movement Dysfunction Motor Control and Motor Learning Outcome Measures Postural Control Locomotion Upper Limb Reach Grasp and Manipulation PRACTICAL COMPONENTS Clinical Assessment and Treatment Model of Bobath Clinical Practice MBCP Patient Demonstrations Patient Workshops Patient Assessment Treatment and Evaluation by course participants Practical Sessions Movement Analysis and Facilitation SELF DIRECTED LEARNING Case Report Assignment Reflective journal Self evaluation tool OTHER COMPONENTS THAT MAY BE INCLUDED IN THE BASIC COURSE Oro Facial problems Perceptual problems contraversive pushing apraxia neglect Model of Bobath Clinical Framework MBCF OPTIONAL COMPONENTS examples Assistive Devices Body Weight Support Training Mental Imagery Constraint Induced Movement Therapy Botox Splinting 3 1 3 Basic Course Core Curriculum August 2021 2 o Neuromuscular plasticity o Movement Dysfunction Motor Control and Motor Learning Outcome Measures Postural Control Locomotion Upper Limb Reach Grasp and Manipulation PRACTICAL COMPONENTS Clinical Assessment and Treatment Model of Bobath Clinical Practice MBCP Patient Demonstrations Patient Workshops Patient Assessment Treatment and Evaluation by course participants Practical Sessions Movement Analysis and Facilitation SELF DIRECTED LEARNING Case Report Assignment Reflective journal Self evaluation tool OTHER COMPONENTS THAT MAY BE INCLUDED IN THE BASIC COURSE Oro Facial problems Perceptual problems contraversive pushing apraxia neglect Model of Bobath Clinical Framework MBCF OPTIONAL COMPONENTS examples Assistive Devices Body Weight Support Training Mental Imagery Constraint Induced Movement Therapy Botox Splinting
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